What is Micro Current Neurofeedback IASIS?

micro current neurofeedback iasis utah

IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback can improve your life

IASIS MicroCurrent Neurofeedback (MCN) is a groundbreaking, noninvasive therapy using brainwave neurofeedback to help restore brain balance and healthy brainwave activity. MCN therapy assists the brain in releasing old stuck brainwave patterns to create new, healthier brain wave patterns.

At Mind Love here in Utah we're excited to provide this service in Kaysville.

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How do my brain waves affect my health?

Imbalances in brainwave activity result in unhealthy patterns that can lead to decreased wellness and difficulties recovering from physical disorders.

MCN treatments use low-impact electrical signals (microcurrents) to help unstick old negative brainwave patterns and create newer, healthier ones helping you feel improvement in many ways.

IASIS MCN is a non-invasive, drug-free therapy that helps optimize brain performance, improve brain and nervous system function, and support human health and wellness. Learn more about all the benefits and what MCN can help with by clicking the link below.

micro current neurofeedback iasis utah

How does MCN at Mind Love work?

At Mind Love, we use an EEG machine that delivers brief microcurrent stimulation to the nervous system.

This stimulation results in temporary changes to brain waves. These shifts in brainwaves allow the stuck, unhealthy, and dysfunctional brain patterns to be delicately released— leaving healthy brain wave patterns in its place.

As a result, the new healthy brain wave state allows for improved capacity for the brain and nervous system to self regulate and heal itself. We just give it the nudge it needs to do this.

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